Some Tools

From Web Developers to Competitive Programmers, We've Got Something For Everybody

For the Web Developers


A digital playground for your web development codes.

Go to CodePen

Explore beautiful color palettes for your web projects.

Go to ColorHunt
CSS Gradients

View different gradient colors along with CSS code.

Go to CSS Gradients

For the Competitive Programmers :

To-Do List

Keep a track of your questions that are to be solved.

Go to To-Do List
Coder's Calendar

Get reminded of your upcoming coding competitons through this Chrome extension.

Go to Coder's Calender

Seamlessly run and execute your code anywhere, anytime.

Go to IDE

Some Fun Stuffs


Blow off your steam and anger in this funny forum.

Go to DevRant

The quirkiest of the programmer jokes on the Internet.

Go to Reddit